This morning Israel
commemorated the holocaust with its annual minute of silence,
accompanied by the haunting sound of the country's air raid sirens. I
stood outside my Jerusalem apartment and watched cars pull over and
drivers stand by open doors, buses stop, old ladies with shopping
baskets stand with heads bowed and even the kindergarten teachers
opposite my home made a valiant attempt to have their young charges
stand quietly. The atmosphere was palpable: an entire country joining
together in collective respect and even grief for the generation of
European Jewry that was wiped out by Hitler & his Nazi
The minute ended with
the siren fading, and immediately normal life started up: car doors
closed, children started to laugh & squeal and pedestrians
walked on. I turned to go in to my apartment when the air was split
with the raucous sound of car horns and angry shouts as two Israeli
drivers engaged in the national pastime of driving badly, then loudly
blaming the other driver for any near miss that may occur.
How can a nation bow
its head in grief one moment and then have its citizens start
berating each other the next? What happened to the feeling of unity
and shared experience that had bound us all together moments before ?
Perhaps the answer lies in a biblical name for the Jewish people,
'Bnei Yisrael', the Children of Israel. We are not simply 'Am
Yisrael', the people of Israel, who by pure chance happen to be
citizens of the same country, but we are also the descendants of a
single family who lived in this area long ago, and in some ways after
all these millennia we still are one large extended family and like
most families, we are a little dysfunctional!
This explains a lot
about some of the quirks of Israeli society: We have our
disagreements, we irritate each other, and we often take the feelings
of our fellow Israelis for granted, but we equally love to celebrate
each others 'simchas' and share each others pain. We can stand and
shed a tear together and then shout at each other a moment later,
because like most families we care deeply about each other, but we
don't always get on that well! This perhaps goes to explain other
aspects of Israeli society like 'protexia', where who you know can
open doors, perhaps unfairly, but after all, we'll all try to help
out family... right?? The way we drive, always wanting to be in front
even when there is nothing to be gained, is that any different to
siblings who just have to beat each other to the most trivial things?
The way we Israelis stick our nose into discussions and disputes that
are none of our business, who doesn't have family members who do just
To the outsider then,
Israeli society may often seem torn by divisions, and bad behaviour
toward each other, but to those visitors I'd suggest you watch our
shared grief when the memorial sirens blare; look at our shared
concern and care for the young people we see as almost our own, as
they give up years of their lives to serve our army, or observe the
genuine joy every Israeli feels on hearing of an engagement or birth
even concerning total strangers.
So next time you get
yelled at by an Israeli driver who just cut you up, don't let it get
to you, simply honk back and smile, after all who drives us more
crazy than our own family?